
Saturday 15 November 2014

The leftover dress...

...well it's a dress made from leftovers. I started to alter this mannequin about a year ago and got as far as painting it in fresco french roast, covering it with book pages and stamping and embossing on tissue paper before cutting them into circles.....and that's as far as I got until I saw Sue Carrington's wonderful altered mannequin here. Now I know this doesn't look like Sue's but the point is it inspired me to go back to it with some ideas around the tattered florals die.

Bare with me now...I recently had a sort out in the room where I craft and one of the things I did was sort out my boxes of bits and put them out in a tray so I can see what I've got because if I can't see it in front of me I won't go looking and will just keep creating more bits. You can see a space there now!...I know, it won't stay empty for long.

Anyway this is probably one of the best things to do if you are stuck for inspiration; it feels great when you find something in that box that is perfect for your project or can be altered very easily....and that's how the leftover dress got made.

I'd originally had some idea about using circles of tissue to build up a dress but it wasn't working just in white even with the gold stamping and embossing. I had a piece of brown toned gelli print deli paper which I painted the back of in blue/ green shade before cutting into circles.

Crumple them up, we are going for a distressed look.

The bodice is metal tattered floral pieces which I embossed and then sanded to distress, I then cut the flower into petals and layered them. I still needed something for the rest of the skirt. When I saw the challenge and wonderful inspirational creations over at A Vintage Journey for All Sewn Up  I remembered I had some eclectic elements fabric and one of the pieces was a perfect colour choice.

I cut the fabric with the tattered florals die and cut the petals out fraying the edges slightly. It just needed something to lift it so I used some of the same gold embossing powder I'd already used and some vintage photo distress glitter.

Some close  up details of the layers

To finish the back I found exactly 3 circles of scrunched up and gilded pieces of glassine paper to which I added some more distress glitter and beads before securing. I also added an ideaology charm.

The paper images at the base were left over from making the tiny tins from a few months back secured along with the metal embellishments.

Recently I've not been able to enter any challenges or post as regularly as I'd have liked to so I've really enjoyed just creating this for no particular reason....and it's a bonus to be able to enter it in a challenge.
I'm entering it in The Sunday stamper challenge which is 'Sewing and Stitches' and I'm also entering it in A Vintage Journey 'All Sewn Up' (link in above post).
The stamped images and dies are Tims and I've gone for a distressed shabby feel to this sewing themed entry, hope it fits the travelling instructions.
 I've really enjoyed making it and that's the most important thing. Hope you enjoyed your visit, I really appreciate all your wonderful comments and hope to visit your blogs a bit more often. Thanks so much for dropping by. 


  1. Oh my this is stunning Ruth,loving the details,so much to see and admire. It really is a work of art and should take pride of place in your craftroom. I do love all these 3d works of art but I'm reluctant to make them as I don't have anywhere to put them :/

    Big hugs
    Donna xxx

  2. Wow what a work of art,this is

  3. Love it Ruth. I had to smile a bit, I have so many boxes of bits and pieces. I don't like throwing things away but don't always know where to find the bit I need when I need it so end up with loads. I keep saying to myself just grab one of the boxes and make something from whatever is in there, one day maybe Lol!
    Happy crafting, Angela x

  4. She's so pretty Ruth and it looks like it must have been great fun to make!
    Georgie xx

  5. Sensational altered dress form, such a wonderful use of scraps and dies. Are you going to keep it, hope so it is really beautiful:-) xxx

  6. Oh wow Ruth, your dress form is fabulous, the dress is just stunning! An amazing transformation - and all from scraps - I love it! Thanks so much for sharing this with our 'All Sewn Up' challenge at A Vintage Journey. Anne xx

  7. I like the way you have decorated this dress form.New follower!

  8. Ruth oh my goodness what a wonderful dress form. I love how you used all those scraps up. This really does look like a designer dress. Beautifully done. Oh and the metals pieces too, they are fantastic! Love it all!! Karen.x

  9. Brilliant dress form Ruth, wow, so much attention to detail! Absolutely gorgeous dress, so very clever! Love this and thanks so much for adding it to our challenge at A Vintage Journey!

  10. What a great idea....the dressform looks so gorgeous this way!! Very clever with the leftovers Ruth!
    Have a nice Sunday, Alie :-)

  11. Holy jumpins' Ruth, this is spectacular! Amazing use of floral dies! I love the contrast of the metals against the soft fabrics! The gold hints here and there are brilliant! What a fabulous project, so glad you finally were able to get it finished! hugs :)

  12. Absolutely stunning Ruth, I could see the dress you styled on your dress form being modelled on a cat walk at a top fashion show. Love all the different textures and how fabulous to think was made with scrap pieces. Thanks for joining in the challenge at A Vintage Journey and good luck.
    Julie x

  13. You sure know how to make beautiful layers Ruth! this dressform is just stunning with the different materials used, the edges on your layers and all the glittering! And then you add the vintage sewing items at the base! So glad you could join us in the AVJ All sewn up challenge!

  14. This is so beautiful. ..The combination of metal and fabric. The dress form is spectacular.

  15. Fabulous creation, Ruth! Love her metal bodice, and you were so brave to cut up the Tim fabric. I just stroke mine...

  16. Wow! Vintage haute couture! Fantastic Ruth! I especially love the bodice! An amazing project and a brilliant storage suggestion too! Hugs, Chrisx

  17. How gorgeous, Ruth - such an inspired use of the flower dies, and all those wonderful textures - wow! Love the gleam of gold in the petals (fishscales?!) of the skirt, and the sewing ephemera at her "feet". Beautiful work. Thanks so much for joining us on A Vintage Journey.
    Alison xx

  18. Hello Ruth, I agree totally with everything that Pear Shaped Crafting said. You are an amazingly talented women and I feel blessed to have found your blog. I can learn a lot from you :) I am your newest follower and I really hope that you will visit my blog and follow me back. There is nothing nicer than making a new friend that shares common interests.
    Have a fabulous week.
    Your new blogging sister, Connie :)

  19. Hi Ruth.... this is sheer ELEGANCE in all ways... I love it... it is very MULTI MEDIA and delightfully rich. You have a way of creating a look that is uniquely YOU... I think this is YOU and it is very regal and I truly love the colors, and the textures you have given the eye on this piece. Thank you also for your lovely comment on my blog.. I am glad to be back in some ways to blog land... I do have to practice BALANCE though... Thanks for all your love and mutual admirations .... Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie

  20. Hello Ruth,
    your mannequin is simply stunningly dressed. Wow I love the metal look of the flowers and the embossing, and your leaves, so glittering and raw at same time, looks fantastic. A wonderful piece.
    Dorthe, x

  21. Hi Ruth! Visiting your blog is always such a pleasure! I love your creations and this is just gorgeous!! I love how you created her dress... just stunning! xx

  22. Wow Ruth ! Your mannequin is fantastic ! I love the metal boddice and using the Tattered Flower die for the petals is just inspirational ! Love it ! Sue C x

  23. Fabulous creation Ruth, love the use of the spiky floral and fabric, it gives it so much texture... Thanks for joining in with the Sunday Stamper x

  24. I already spent quite some time here today and I love your creations, dear Ruth...I wish I could have more time to leave comment on every post, but I missed too much and I really love every single piece you made in past weeks....this dress form is outstanding...your imagination is awesome!
    Best wishes from Slovenia

  25. Well Ruth I too was inspired by Sue's mannequin but unfortunately time pressures prevented it from manifesting itself into a completed project. Hats off to you for taking it to the next level and using scraps and fabric to conjure up a delightful dressform of your own. I love the hints of gilding and glitter that run throughout the 'dress'. Thank you so much for joining us at A Vintage Journey. Jenny x

  26. Oh my gosh Ruth this is just utterly delightful and a wonderful inspirational piece of art. I just love how you have put this together with such creative use of dies and materials, it is amazing.
    Thanks for linking to 'All Sewn Up' at A Vintage Journey.
    hugs Brenda xxx

  27. What a gorgeous piece of art! When I first laid eyes on it, I knew it was a winner! I think it needs to be in a museum! Congratulations on your very well deserved Pinworthy mention at A vintage Journey. Now pack that up and take it to your nearest curator!


It would be lovely to read any comments left, I really appreciate them all. Thank you so much for taking the time to drop by.