
Thursday 13 November 2014

'Frosted Flowers'

Morning everyone, it's time for our next challenge over at ATP exchange and hosting it this time is the very talented Julia who has chosen 'Stencils'. Here's what she has to say about it.

 'I love to use stencils for ink, paint, mediums and sprays. I'd really like to see your creations using at least one stencil (the more the better though!). You can use any medium/s you choose through your stencil/s but it must be clearly seen where a stencil has been used.'

Lot's of scope here...for some it's shoes or handbags....for me I could never have enough stencils! I've created a frosty flowered frame in cool blues, a sign of the winter to come but a reminder that flowers can bloom all year round.

I started off with a 7" x 5" canvas which I flipped over. I applied some washi tape to cover up the staples but didn't add anything more as I liked the texture and definition that would be highlighted once painted. It also helped create even more of a frame.

I applied grunge paste using the Lin Brown PS001 stencil. Once dry, I painted the front and sides with antarctic fresco, then dry brushed snowflake over the frame adding more into the the grunge paste areas and wiping any excess away with a baby wipe. Once that was dry (thankfully fresco paints dry very quickly)  I dry brushed lake wanaka over, which highlighted all the texture.
The stencil was replaced and a little bit of space cadet was used on the circles and some on the frame edges. Finally some metallic glaze was used on the circles to add that lovely shimmer.

 The 'bloom' was created by stenciling tinted grunge paste (antarctic) through the JOFY PS008 stencil onto a separate piece of sticky back canvas, trimmed a bit bigger than the aperture. Once dry the stencil was replaced and lake wanaka was dry brushed over the base of the letters and metallic glaze to the top of them.

Some further stenciling with the same colours and circle stencil created the background on the canvas before adhering in place.

 Some 'bump' stenciling was applied to the sides with space cadet as the base and snowflake on top to contrast with the antarctic fresco.

Next the flowers, I used Darcy's lovely EDY09 set. At first I was going to use the seed head as I was originally inspired by the frost on dried flowers which I find so beautiful. As there is only one size of that stamp I opted for the spiky flower which echoed the font and contrasted with the circles....btw I think they would make fantastic snowflakes for Christmas!

 Cornflower blue archival and clear embossing powder were used to stamp the images onto heavy smoothy card . The same paint colours were used to shade the flowers and then metallic glaze applied on top...although you could mix the paint with the glaze first if you wanted to.

Fussy cut out and arranged with some heavy gel medium to add some depth to the flowers. The metallic glaze really does shimmer when the light catches it.

Bit of a PaperArtsy fest today....which I thoroughly enjoyed! All products can be found at the Artist Trading Post.

Thanks so much for stopping by, for more inspiration please visit the rest of the talented DT where I hope you'll be inspired to get out those stencils and have some fun!


  1. Fabulous! Love the gorgeous cool colours you used and the stamped flowers are the perfect finishing touch! Such a beautiful wintry frame, love it!

  2. This is just gorgeous,love the bumping

  3. Superb! Love your frosty creation! Your stenciling looks great and I really love the stamps! Hugs, Ingrid xx

  4. Nothing wrong with a Paper Artsy fest especially when the result is this stunning creation! I love the subtle colours and texture. Just delightful and certainly proof that flowers do bloom all year round! Hugs, Chrisx

  5. Gorgeous frame Ruth! I love the frosty colours and your 'bumping' is fabulous ! Sue C x

  6. Ruth,you are a very talented lady. Firstly,this is a wonderful creation,love the muted colours,very wintery. Secondly,you are a star! I have that stamp set and what a fab idea to use the flowers as to make some now! Thank you for the inspiration:)))

    Extra big hugs
    Donna xxx

  7. Gorgeous colours, frosty feeling and perfect for this time of year. Am in love with Darcy's stamps and i absolutely adore how you have used them here Ruth. Gorgeous inspiration :-) xxx

  8. This is stunning Ruth and is just the kind of creation I hoped to see for my challenge! I absolutely love the colours, the bumped stencilling and the hint of sparkle you've added so delicately. I know this will give people huge inspiration for using stencils.
    Julia xx

  9. Hi Ruth, this is gorgeous, I have some of the Darcy stamps though not this set but your project has made me think again about them. Love the stencils you used too. Happy crafting and thanks for the visit, Angela x

  10. Gorgeous project Ruth, love how you altered the frame and the soft subtle colours you used.
    Yvonne x

  11. Fabulous stencilling and a beautiful flipped canvas Ruth. Your eye for design is outstanding. Jenny x

  12. This is stunning Ruth, I love the stenciling on the frame and those flowers have such a beautiful sheen to them. This is such a great frame for the focal word! Anne x

  13. This is so pretty and has such a lovely wintery feel to it. Beautiful xx

  14. Another amazing project Ruth! I love the frosty blue palette and the amazing textures! Great flowers with all the glitter, what a wonderful frosty make for winter time! hugs :)

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It would be lovely to read any comments left, I really appreciate them all. Thank you so much for taking the time to drop by.