
Monday 23 May 2016

Infusions..part 1

Hi everyone, well I've had messy hands recently playing with the new PaprArtsy Infusions, I saw Leandra and Emma demo them at the Happy Stampers festival at Port Sunlight earlier this month. I've already shared a few 'plays' on instagram but thought I'd share a few more experiments and details with you here.

This was a happy accident. One of the ways you can use the infusions is to sprinkle them on and then brush over with a glaze which will seal them at the same time. I'd seen some lovely effects with pearl and metallic glaze. I had some left over infusions which had shaken on a piece of glossy card and thought I'd picked up pearl glaze, only when I started to paint with it did I think it looked a bit different...I'd picked up chalk fresco instead! Well I carried on, dried it and rather liked it.

Some gold stamping using a Sara Naumann Eclectica set made for a quick card.

I have used paint before to knock back a vibrant background and there's no reason you can't use it with infusions. 

Watered down snowflake fresco brayered over the top.

Add some stamping with archival inks and you have a background.

Those of you who know me will be aware I love grunge paste, so here's a tag which when I shared before I hadn't quite finished, it needed some stitching. I've used  a new favourite  'pebbles tied' stencil with the grunge paste.

To finish part 1, I'm sharing a before and after tag. Whilst at Port Sunlight I was asked to step in and do a quick demo which I wasn't prepared for, anyway the tag I did I wasn't happy with...but all was not lost. Here's the before.

A coat of fresco in chalk, once dry I sprinkled some sage and blackcurrant infusions spritzed with water and it was looking better.

Love the 'granules' effect

Quick sand back, like that some of the stamping underneath is peeking through.

Add a sentiment and a touch of gold....I was much happier with that!

Well that's the end of part 1 hope you'll come back soon for part 2, I'll be using 3D transparent gel next time.

 Thanks as always for stopping by. 


  1. I like the happy accident too Ruth. The brayering over the top looks very effective too. Great playing with fabulous results. Xx

  2. Gorgeous pieces Ruth! love the effect of the wash to knock the colours back, something I tried last night expecting it to be totally ruined but it's a lovely alternative look. So many options with these little bottles of pretty powders. BTW ai have blue fingers, lol!

    Lesley Xx

  3. Wow those are fantastic pices - Just UNIQUE!!!
    Happy new week!
    oxo Susi

  4. Great experiments there Ruth, now eagerly awaiting part 2 xx

  5. Love both these pieces, will be back for more!

  6. Ooh, lovely - the effect of the gilding with the Infusions is really elegant and beautiful. Love that first one with the gold stamping. Altogether inspiring post.
    Alison x

  7. Oooh! Lovely! All look fabulous! Lx

  8. This is such an amazing post, Ruth! Oh how I wish we still had trade shows here. Seems like all the LSS and conventions have died away (or moved to CA for CHA!) I could just pack up and come over - because seems like you are always enjoying a fabulous class or show. :) These are just beautiful and I adore the way you added the paint over the colors. Beautiful!!! Hugs, Autumn

  9. Wonderful to see ,the different ways of using the infusions, and how they react with other mediums, Ruth.
    Beautiful golden stamping, and your two tags, worked over am both gorgeous !
    Hugs from Dorthe

  10. I LOVE the infusions and you've shown them off to perfection here Ruth ;)
    Donna xx

  11. amazing effects - have just got my infusions - playtime awaits - will try some of these ideas! Thanks! Hugs rachel x

  12. Wonderful effects with those infusions, each and every project looks fantastic! Love how you finished the tag in the end, it looks super!

  13. What a wonderful infusions artwork!! lovely effects and great tutorial. Thank you for shear, I have a go!! xx

  14. Love all the projects. Great make over at the end wow :)

  15. Wonderful tutorial and you have managed to achieve amazing effects using those infusions! Each project looks fabulous and I love your happy accident! Thanks! Hugs! Branka xx

  16. Hi Ruth.. Seeing your link on the Patwits group yesterday, I had no time yet before to look at your gorgeous card and tag in details, and read you... What a great way of using your Infusions!!! Thanks for the tips and inspiration! Coco x

  17. Beautiful card and tags Rurhx love the backgrounds you have created with the infusions.

    Best wishes
    Annie x

  18. Oh my Ruth! These are all fabulous! Can't wait to see how you use my new favourite - the 3D transparent gel!! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. Hi Ruth, been busy and nearly missed out on these delights. Angela x

  20. hi ive found you via pinterest - did you add the fresco paint first then the infusions or viseversa ?I love the background

    1. Hi Debbie, paint first then the infusions xx

    2. thank you - must have a go at this - have ordered the infusions - dont have fresco paints but do have distress paints so assume it will work the same - at least I hope so :)


It would be lovely to read any comments left, I really appreciate them all. Thank you so much for taking the time to drop by.