
Monday 29 February 2016

Craft Stamper...just a bit excited!

Hi everyone, just a quick post to share some exciting news....well for me anyway! If you follow the link here to the Craft Stamper blog you'll see some sneaky peeks of April's Craft Stamper issue which comes out this Friday...and one of the peeks is a project of mine!!

I've been sitting on this news for ages and I still can't quite believe it.....I have bruises from pinching myself to prove it! Towards the end of last year I had an email from the oh so talented editor Trish Latimer which resulted in some undignified jumping around in the street (I was on my way to a meeting when I opened the email!).

I'm thrilled to have been asked on board and definitely looking forward to this journey. Thanks again to Trish and as always, thanks for stopping by. Ruth x 


  1. Congratulations Ruth, how incredibly exciting.....can't wait to see you article in all it's glory. xxxx

  2. And your first spread is AWESOME Ruth!!! HUGE congratulations on joining the team - such a deserved honour which you live up to every time you post and create. Jenny x

  3. So you should be's terrific news Ruth, and so well deserved too! We all admire your work.The Wall Hanger is glorious and the background looks fab! Love your other pieces too with the Mhendi Bird Song Stamp........sure that we will see more fabulous pieces in the future! Xx

  4. Oh my Ruth, your flower looks AMAZING! Biggest congrats, I am so happy for you!!!

  5. So excited for you Ruth. Congratulations.

  6. so pleased for you ruth. you are uber talented so its no surprise to me but so very well done xx

  7. I am so thrilled for you Ruth. No one deserves to be in there more than you and having seen the full article in my subs copy I can already say it's gorgeous! Well done lovely lady!

    Lesley Xx

  8. HUGE congratulations Ruth!!!! I love your work and this is so well deserved!! Julia xxxx

  9. got my subscription copy at the weekend, and it is a fabulous project! well done

  10. So well deserved Ruth! I saw this when my copy arrived but didn't want to spoil your news! Your flower hanger is beautiful and I love how you used the Mehndi bird stamp! Hugs, Chrisx

  11. Congratulations Ruth - I can't wait to get my magazine - maybe it will be here before long. I love across the pond so will be watching for it.
    Sandy xx

  12. HUGE congratulations Ruth, I get my magazine early (Postal) and have seen your amazing project in full and it is absolutely stunning! Lovely to see you in the magazine!! Hugs, Anne xx

  13. Big congrats Ruth, my copy arrived a couple of days ago but I have not looked at it yet, now I can't wait, I'm sure you will be a super addition to the CS team!!

  14. Huge congrats Ruth! Look forward to seeing it xxx

  15. It's exciting news for us, too, Ruth! Already drooled at your gorgeous project. Huge congrats on joining the CS team - so well deserved xx

  16. Congratulations Ruth! Deb xo

  17. Congratulations! Have just read your article, and loved it! A big thank you for using one of my stamps too.. one of my favourites :)

    1. Thanks Jennie, yes it's one of my go to for background stamps. Ruth x

  18. HUGE congratulations to you and so well deserved Ruth! I would love to have seen the happy dance in the street! heehee
    huge hugs,Jackie


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