
Wednesday 2 September 2015

and she's back in the room...

Hi, remember me? Long time no blogging. I didn't mean to be away so long but the sorting out of my lovely new craft room took a lot longer than I thought. I seem to have collected an awful lot of craft stuff some of which I don't remember seeing for years...sound familiar??

So firstly I thought I'd share some photos of my new creative space...I can't believe how excited I get about storage, non crafters just don't understand! It was a spare room/ junk room/ craft room and never decorated since we moved in many years ago. After stripping.

Bookcases/ storage got the Annie Sloan treatment. 


I have already posted this on face book, having 'Annie Sloaned' it, I found my stamps and lightened it with some Lin Brown images. Appropriately lots of lace, threads and ribbons are stored inside.

I am loving my new space, my favourite purchases are the work
table which is at the right height for sitting or standing (serendipity) and this wonderful trolley!

I am very happy and very lucky and appreciate it so much every time I walk in to my room.

So have I made anything yet? Well I think my mojo went into shock and had a long lie down. I have missed being able to craft but went from creating nothing to a recent weekend at AFTH and 4 fabulous France Papillon workshops. She is a fabulous teacher, a lovely person and  I learnt so much. I don't know which is my favourite project out of them all.

I have a few scheduled posts this week so I'm hopefully back in business now. Thanks as always for stopping by, I look forward to your visits and reading your comments. Thank you x


  1. Oh Ruth! There will be no stopping you now! This all looks so wonderful - and so 'you'! Love your Workshop projects - it is far too difficult to choose!! Enjoy yourself!!! Hugs, Chrisx

  2. What a gorgeous work room - I love the storage ideas - the stencils hanging on the rail, the gorgeous set of drawers you decorated and the rows of pots - it's wonderful - I know I'd never be out of it if it was mine! I have the same Ikea magazine holders but they are stuffed with stuff I don't know where else to put - I never thought of having papers in them, they are just the right size and easier to look through if categorized - that's decided what I'm going to do today: a re-sort! I love your projects, the little jars are adorable and I'm so impressed with the books, especially that fabulous brass clasp. I've never heard of France Papillon and now you're the third person this week to mention her, so I'm also going to go off and discover all about her. Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my blog - nice to see you back in blogland and looking forward to seeing your next project from your new room!

  3. Looking great Ruth and still plenty room for expansion as new craft goodies come along. Nice to have you back in blogland.
    Julie x

  4. Oooh fabulous! It brings it all back just how thrilled I was watching my own beautiful studio taking shape, and unpacking all the stuff (yes, some of which I'd forgotten I had lol lol!) and moving in, getting sorted and settled! Like you I am so grateful for such a lovely room, and love being in there so much. We are very, very fortunate to have such lovely creative spaces, aren't we. I see you've got the same system as me, with the rail and clips for hanging stamps/dies or whatever. I love this! I love the light airy feel in your room, and the beautiful trolley and shelves, and how organised it all looks. Can I come for a tour and a cup of tea lol!!


    1. Thanks Shoshi for your lovely comments.x

  5. Well I've just been licking the screen with craft room envy. The available workspace on my desk has slowly shrunk to about one square foot, and you've shamed/encouraged me into having a sort-out. I think I just need a skip first, though! Love the rail/hangers for the stencils - where did you get those?
    Gorgeous projects from your workshops - love the books!

    1. Hi Shirley, shower clips from ikea! I'm really trying to keep it tidy, just wish I'd taken a before photo, workspace was tiny! Thanks x

  6. Hi Ruth
    It looks amazing! You must be so excited! Shower clips are a genius idea and love the ribbons etc on wooden pretty! I should have been sharing France P on the Sunday but had to cancel due to a blip in health!
    Enjoy playing, we can picture you in your space now! Xx

  7. Wow, Ruth - your new craft space was well worth the wait - how beautiful and how beautifully organised. Really useful to have all that wall space for hanging things too, and it looks as though you've really thought through how to get as much as possible close to hand - very clever.

    Loving your France Papillon creations too - amazing. I loved the workshop I did with her, and you've reminded me I don't think I've ever posted the results!!
    Alison xx

  8. Oooh Ruth, this all looks wonderful and I love your storage ideas, especially as everything is so visible and easy to get at! There are lots of your ideas I would filch but as my craftroom is our conservatory, sadly they wouldn't work a) no wall space...all windows and b) everything has to be covered as much as possible to protect from the sun!

    Gorgeous makes at the France Papillon workshops! I love the books especially but everything is stunning.

    Lesley Xx

  9. Wow wow wow your new craft room is amazing. It must be a summer thing. I have been sorting mine out plus buying new storage. Nothing like yours just plastic. We are not sure when but if the new HS2 train gets the funding our house will be demolished. Because of this I didn't go mad on storage but will definitely be doing ikea when the time comes to moving. I so neeeeeed the stencil idea you have done. Mine are in a case and drive me crazy as I have tons. And that trolley is awesome, where did you get it? I neeeed that as well lol. Happy Art 😀😀😀Kezzy xxx

  10. Hello Ruth,
    So good to see you here again, in the meantime, I`m a bit away from home, and everyday life, helping my daughter pack up, before mooving to another flat !! Wonderful for you with your new art-room, which is so wonderfully furnished and organiced.
    I totally love your little shelf , and the fantastic books !!
    Have a lovely weekend Ruth !!
    x,o Dorthe

  11. What a gorgeous new creative space Ruth, enjoy! Deb xo

  12. Ruth!!! What a gorgeous makeover of your studio space!! When are you available to help me with mine?!! teehee
    Thanks for sharing- I have gleaned some new ideas from you! hugs,Jackie


It would be lovely to read any comments left, I really appreciate them all. Thank you so much for taking the time to drop by.