
Tuesday 24 February 2015

Anne's ATBs!

Hi everyone, a quick post just to share my finished perpetual calendar inspired or even totally copied from 'Redanne'. Anne kindly sent me some blank ATB's last year and I've eventually got around to making one of her fabulous calendars.

I really enjoyed making it and kept it fairly simple as I wanted to match a desk set I'd revamped pre blogg life.....that's if making it vintage can be classed as revamping?

The papers are Thorndon Hall from PaperArtsy, the numbers Tim's wordplay die and the letters are a Hero arts mini alphabet stamps. Add some brown archival to distressed edges and a little treasure gold and it's finished. Even though it's not my original idea (see Anne's post here) I'm still linking it to the A Vintage Journey challenge as it's about special numbers and a calendar is full of them. I've even waited till today to post it as it includes a significant number to me. 4 is part of my birthday, my son's birthday and has always been the number I pick if asked to choose one for something.

Thanks so much for stopping by, time now for me to catch up with some blog visiting as I've got behind...again!


  1. Love your version Ruth! Those papers you used look gorgeous and I have to say I love the rest of your desk set also! A fantastic make!!

  2. Oh Ruth, I am super excited that you made this - and made it your own way too, it is fantastic! I love that gorgeous 'pen nib' paper you used and like Astrid has already said, I too love the rest of your desk set. Your craft area must look fabulous! Thanks so much for joining in with us at A Vintage Journey. Hugs, Anne xx

  3. Brilliant Ruth! I love how you've recreated Anne's amazing design to fit with your own choice of decor. Believe me, these are incredibly useful! Thank you for joining us at A Vintage Journey. Jenny x

  4. Apologies, I also meant to say that Eileen Hull will be delighted that you love her Artist Trading Block dies!

  5. What a gorgeous altered art Ruth..very classy!
    Have a nice day, Alie :-)

  6. Oh wow Ruth, I have been wanting to do one of Anne's calendars too! Your version is just lovely! Love the vintage papers and the neutral tones! Fabulous drawer set you have there too, everything matches so well! hugs :)

  7. This is amazing Ruth!! Blends in beautifully with your other items you've made which also look incredible. The soft vintage tones of the calendar have been done perfectly - love it!! Hugs, Georgie xx

  8. Beautiful papers beautifully used, Ruth!
    Good luck with the challenge and thank you so much for the lovely comments today! Mwah! XX Claudia

  9. Wow, the calender is fabulous and very stylish, but also the entire desk set is stunning - it matches so perfectly - I love it!.

  10. A beautiful calender Ruth, and your deakset is also wonderful, in the lovely papers you used, for all the items. Also an amazing folded book,- you have created, so gorgeous all.
    Dorthe, xo

  11. Loving your perpetual calendar Ruth, great colours and very stylish:-) xxx

  12. Ooh beautiful vintage vibe captured perfectly here Ruth,this is a look you do so well ;). How brilliant to make something so useful as well
    Big hugs
    Donna xxx

  13. Hi Ruth! These are fantastic! Love the distressed look. I really love the calendar.. So clever. Gorgeous work as always! Xx

  14. Very elegant vintage pieces. Love your choice of colour the pen nibs and accents of gold. Beautiful work Ruth. Thanks for joining in the challenge at A Vintage Journey and good luck.
    Julie x

  15. This looks fabulous Ruth and so vintage looking. A great propject to make and would look perfect on any desk
    x catherine

  16. Wow Ruth - absolutely stunning, I love the vintage feel... feel the need to buy something!!!! Nikki xx

  17. Beautiful papers you have used here! Anne's way with ATB's is an inspiration which you have clearly done justice to -and your calendar will look great by that lovely set of drawers! Hugs, Chrisx

  18. Stunning - love the vintage look of all your desk things

  19. Love this desk calendar and all of your accessories! I love a good vintage useful project and those pen nibs are FAB-U-LAAAS!

  20. Delicious use of the papers, and I love that you've completed the set with that fabulous perpetual calendar - lovely work. It must all please you so much each time your eye alights on any of it! Thanks so much for joining us on A Vintage Journey.
    Alison xx

  21. A fabulous way to represent your special numbers Ruth. I love the vintage feel to this and re-vamp sounds perfect to me.
    Thanks for linking your fabulous work to A Vintage Journey.
    hugs Brenda xxx


It would be lovely to read any comments left, I really appreciate them all. Thank you so much for taking the time to drop by.