
Thursday 23 October 2014

Exchange Day at ATP

Hi everyone, it's my turn over at Artist Trading Post for today's Exchange Day. I've been exploring bead gel, (a product I love) and made a couple of journal pages in the process. To see all the details please hop over here.


  1. Your pages are really stunning Ruth, can see the France Papillion influences in the colours and placement. Thank you for sharing your seed bead gel play, most illuminating :-) xxx

  2. This is fabulous Ruth and love the added blues. really pops out the pages. Will pop over to the link and have a look
    x catherine

  3. Wow Ruth, another stunning page! I love the bead gel, it really adds texture and your hints of the vibrant aqua here and there are so eye catching! What a masterful work!! big hugs :)

  4. What a lovely results Ruth...lots to see and admire. Nice combinations!
    greetings, Alie :-)

  5. Fantastic pages Ruth, great textures and the bead gel will be on my wish list I think.

  6. Love your pages! Great texture and mix of color!

  7. I have come over from seeing your fantastic tutorial and these gorgeous pages. The colours and layout are wonderful. Anne x

  8. Oh Ruth, I can't wait to get my hands on some bead gel! I have been telling Donna I'm going to write to Santa Greg, but I might have to get it myself :) Your journaling is gorgeous! xxx

  9. Sorry I'm late with this comment. I've left a comment on the blog Ruth but I just wanted to say that your Exchange tutorial is wonderfully inspiring and makes me want to get some bead gel NOW!! I don't have any but it is now on the list!

  10. You've kick started a creative need here... got a tub of glass bead gel sitting there waiting to be used! LOVE the whole composition. Jenny x


It would be lovely to read any comments left, I really appreciate them all. Thank you so much for taking the time to drop by.