
Monday 18 August 2014

Creative Blog Tour

Hi everyone, today it's my turn on the Creative Blog Tour, so this is a bit different to my usual posts. I've been blogging now for about 6 months and when I first started I had no idea that I would have followers....that other crafters I admired would leave me wonderful comments....or that they would then ask me to be involved in a Creative Blog Tour. So before I tell you a bit more about myself and another wonderful crafter, how did I become involved?

Well I was flattered and honoured when the lovely and oh so talented Ingrid Kristina Vichova (beautiful name) asked me to be part of the tour...of course I said yes and then like others before panicked! Ingrids enthusiasm for crafting comes across alongside what seems to be boundless energy, somehow finding time to whip up a beautiful project before breakfast and juggle being a mum to 2 young girls. Whilst I struggle to submit one project for a challenge, Ingrid will have submitted 3 and they will all be gorgeous! She is uber talented (tie dye technique) and her style is varied, these 3 posts are from the same week and show her talents as an artist or working on mini altered playing cards and lastly CAS, please click on the link below to visit her blog, you won't be disappointed.

So now for the not so simple questions that we are required to answer as part of the tour.

What am I working on?

Well I usually work on one project at a time but do have backgrounds and journal pages just started and there are always things waiting to be altered. At the moment I'm hoping to make an ATB for a challenge, but as I don't have a die I am using 6 coasters (a tip from Alison Bomber). I've since gessoed them and think I may put a hinge on so it has a lid. I may be going down a white shabby chic route but I then I may use the new Tim Holtz Wallflower stash I have just received...or do a more vintage look, who knows....I don't until I start and it quite often changes!

These are spare alcohol inked backgrounds from the last CC3C that I want to use and also some journal pages that I have started backgrounds on.

How does my work differ from others of it's genre?

I think I'm quite eclectic and like many different styles. Some people have said they can see a certain style in my work but just looking at my shelf of finished projects, I'm not sure, maybe I'm a magpie incorporating all-sorts into my projects, maybe I don't have a particular style but I know I like many different genres; modern, CAS, steampunk, shabby chic and although I favour vintage and a more neutral palette, the shelf is screaming a rainbow of colours at me!

Why do I write/ create what I do?

Creating is therapy to me, it calms me, it's the thing that keeps me sane in the frenetic world we sometimes live in. I have always 'created', since being a little. My mum had a haberdashery shop and knitting, crochet, sewing and embroidery were all taught to me. 20 plus years ago I made wedding cakes and adored making bouquets of sugar flowers that adorned them... but that was when I was able to work part time, wedding cakes aren't as feasible at the moment. I can leave a mixed media project for months and it won't go off!

I suppose the why do I write part is why do I blog? I have followed blogs for a long time now, I love looking at other peoples blogs and being inspired, so why not start a blog like the ones I like to follow. I also wanted to be able to enter challenges to stretch myself. I find having a theme helps me focus, whereas sitting at my work space and thinking what shall I make usually results in me getting up and walking away. I can honestly say I have never been so creative as I have been in the last 6 months! I used a Maya Angelou quote recently 'You can't use up creativity, the more you use , the more you have' and it's true.

How does your writing/ creating process work?

Well I've half answered that in the previous question, but it starts with a germ of an idea and that can be sparked from anything, I usually find taking the dog for a walk helps, so I can think about it. Once it takes shape then I am off and only hindered by some technique not working but we crafters are an inventive lot and I think that's part of the fun.

Right that's enough about me...Now the best part, I'd love you to meet the fantastically creative and talented Angela, she is a mistress of master boards and creates wonderful texture with teabags in her journals! Mixed media, steampunk and 3D objects are where she excels. She always leaves the most kind and generous comments and comes across as a lovely person. I'd love you to hop across and see her mixed media work....and I think a new mixed media challenge blog may be on the horizon! Please click on the link below

Pleased to see you all!
Like Ingrid, I would love to have introduced you to more of the creative 'artists' I admire but time did indeed run away with me. I'll hopefully get a second chance sometime.

I know Ingrid left you with a virtual thank you card, well it's not a thank you card but I thought I couldn't let you visit without sharing something with you, so by way of a thank you, I completed a couple more journal pages, the central pieces are on fabric which I started at the Lin Brown workshop. Hope you like.

Thanks for dropping by and hope you enjoyed this different post!


  1. What a great post Ruth,you have presented it beautifully. It's great Ingrid chose you,she is super lovely isn't she :)

    The style one is an interesting question. I don't think I have a style but a couple of people have said that my style is quirky so I am happy with that! I think you have a style,I would say that it's always beautifully crafted and you do blend your colours so well,there's a good structure to your work. You can always see how much time and effort has gone into your creations,it shines through :)

    I will go and check Angela's blog out, I have already followed the new challenge,can't wait for that to start!

    Donna xx

  2. I agree with Donna, it is a great post and it was lovely to get to know a bit more about you and how you got involved in craft. I already follow Ingrid and Angela and they are both talented just like you! Your journal pages are really beautiful, love the gorgeous butterflies and the sentiment is wonderful.

    I look forward to seeing your completed ATB, I bet it will be gorgeous too. If you want to try out an ATB from the die, email me (you can find it on my sidebar) and I will send you a couple. Anne xx

  3. Hi Ruth! What a brilliant post! Thank you for taking a part, you did a wonderful job!
    Thank you for your kind comments, it's lovely to hear that you, such a pro, is fond of my work ;) I agree with all of the above and think that you are a very skilled artist. I look forward to your next project! Hugs,
    Ingrid xx

  4. Hi Ruth, great post and such kind words about me, hope I can live up to them Lol!
    The journal page is gorgeous, love the colours and the fabric section.
    I'll be watching to see how you complete the ATB but for now, happy crafting, Angela x

  5. A wonderful post Ruth and so lovely to find out a bit more about you and your creative process! I love your work and am so glad I discovered your blog a while back, - you are a very talented lady!!

    I look forward to seeing the ATB completed!

  6. Oh RUTH... what a lovely, heart felt writing you have created here... Ingrid is a wonderfully sweet ARTIST to say the least... she is just as you say... AMAZINGLY TALENTED... and you have put all these feelings into a way that is really beautiful... love it... as for the ATB... enjoy the journey... it is a trip... another area of heartfelt work for me and one that I did love. you will create something from these coasters that will be outstandingly magnificent.. I can just feel it... The journal page is lovely.. .I love the pods... I am really into them right now too... LOVELY... your whole post is really comfy. I think I better read it again, before I move on for the day... thanks RUTH... Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie

  7. Wonderful post Ruth, good to know a little more about you. Love your fabric pages, great colours and textures.

    I really enjoy visiting your blog, there is so much fantastic creativity and loads of inspiration.

    Off to visit both blogs you have mentioned.

    Looking forward to seeing your completed ATB i am in love with making these and chunky ATC's at the moment:-) xxx

  8. I did enjoy your post very much Ruth. Thank you for sharing and for the links to other artists. Your journal pages are beautiful and amazing crackle you have on the fabric!

    Lesley Xx

  9. Hiya Ruth I have really enjoyed reading this post and finding out a bit more about you

    Your journal pages are stunning

    X Hilda


It would be lovely to read any comments left, I really appreciate them all. Thank you so much for taking the time to drop by.