
Thursday 10 July 2014

Fun with stencils

Over on the PaperArtsy blog this week Keren Baker has been weaving her magic again, I loved this project and here's my take on it which I am submitting for this weeks challenge.

I didn't have any graph paper but used a Hot Picks stamp and grey versafine to create a similar effect and I've used a JOFY birdcage.  

I've used the MN28 stamp instead of text for the bird and diecut it out. The DI used were peacock feathers, shaded lilac and picked raspberry.

I coloured some seam binding to match and having read Shirley-bees recent post I soaked up the remainder of the DI from the mat so I have a couple of backgrounds ready.

Here's the finished card complete with tiny bird cage. I haven't used shrink plastic for ages and forgotten how much fun it is to use....when it behaves that is!

However I didn't stop there, I'll be back later with a couple more simple cards that I made having been inspired by Kerens stencil fun.


  1. How lovely - so delicate and ethereal... can't wait to see more!
    Alison xx

  2. Such a pretty delicate design, beautiful.
    Julie x

  3. Absolutely lovely! I've been making similar elements but I've got a bit lost now and I'm not sure where I'm going with it!

    Lucy x

  4. Another gorgeous design Ruth,really lovely
    Donna xx

  5. This looks fabulous Ruth, lovely choice of colours

    Sam xx

  6. Fabulous card, Ruth! I like how you created your own graph paper - and you had better luck than me with shrink plastic, it never behaves for me!

  7. I so love this Ruth, the colours are just beautiful, your stamped graph background is a perfect solution to having no graph paper, and I love the gorgeous coloured ribbon and shrinkie bird cage. Mo x

  8. Lovely card! Very delicate and beautiful design the card xx

  9. You have such a talent for putting elements together and making them work. Love everything about this. So delicate. X

  10. Fantastic pieces with your stencils Ruth. They look amazing
    x catherine

  11. Oh it looks gorgeous Ruth!! I live those colours together...very very nice! Thanks for moving in the challenge. Keren had another great week!

  12. Gorgeous. Well done with the tiny birdcage. It looks amazing

  13. Wow wow wow absolutely gorgeous, really love the details you added and those colours look so awesome :-) Kezzy xxx

  14. You've managed to keep the ink out of the leaves so the design is well defined. I didn't find that easy, I did it 3 times and I still have ink where I shouldn't!

  15. This is so lovely! I love seeing other people's takes on things. I'm so chuffed you liked my project enough to do a take on it. I adore the way you've coloured your seam binding and then used the spare ink to make more backgrounds- I'll have to remember that too!


It would be lovely to read any comments left, I really appreciate them all. Thank you so much for taking the time to drop by.